Our Services and Treatments

Your First Appointment


We look forward to meeting you and your child and will strive to make every appointment as fun and stress-free as possible! The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend establishing a 'Dental Home' for your child by one year of age.

Children who have a dental home are more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral health care.

The first dental visit is intended to help guide and advise the parent of issues that will be of concern during the development of their child's teeth. This visit will include a cleaning where we show the children all of our special tools and demonstrate how to properly clean your child's teeth at home. The patient will also receive an oral examination consisting of a soft and hard tissue screening, oral cancer screening, and an evaluation of the patient's occlusion. At the end of your visit, fluoride will be applied to the teeth. Then, you will get a goodie bag with a toothbrush and flossers and a prize!

Restorative Treatment


Sealants: In order to prevent cavities on permanent teeth, we offer sealants. Sealants are a protective coating that fills the grooves of the permanent teeth in order to prevent the biting surface of these teeth from decaying.


Silver Diamine Fluoride: SDF is a liquid solution composed of silver, water, ammonia and fluoride. This liquid is used to provide minimally invasive treatment of small lesions to stop their progression and arrest the decay process. The silver in the solution is absorbed by the oral bacteria and prevents the bacteria from being able to metabolize sugar which stops the progression of the decay. Fluoride in the solution assists in reinforcing the compromised area of the tooth and reinforces the order layer of the tooth called enamel. The area of the tooth that is decaying and is treated with the SDF does remain discolored due to the reaction with the silver. Only the area that has decay will remain discolored, not the whole tooth.


White Filling: If your child has a cavity that is large enough to require treatment, we will recommend a 'filling'. The material that is used in our office is a composite resin that is white in color. After we remove the decay from the tooth, a hole remains that we fill with the resin in order to restore the integrity of the tooth.


Crowns: If your child's cavity affects a large portion of the tooth, a crown will be recommended. Stainless steel crowns are the standard treatment option, but we also offer Zirconia (white) crowns in our office for a more esthetic option.

Nerve Treatments: When a cavity reaches the nerve of the tooth, a nerve treatment or pulpotomy may be necessary. This procedure is performed to remove the area of the nerve that is irritated but the existing decay. The pulp chamber where the nerve resides is cleaned and a biocompatible material is placed in the chamber to allow the tooth to remain in the mouth until it is ready to exfoliate. Typically if a nerve treatment is necessary we will place a full coverage crown on the tooth.


Extractions: There are several reasons for dental extractions, including decay, over-retained baby teeth or for orthodontic reasons. We try to use friendly terminology like 'wiggle' when referring to extractions around the little ones to reduce fear!


Microabrasion: Sometimes teeth are not uniform in color and can be less aesthetic. There can be several reasons for this like, demineralization from orthodontic appliances, inherited conditions, or environmental conditions. With microabrasion we are able to blend the uneven shades of the tooth to create a more even color.


Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Inhalation (Laughing Gas): Nitrous Oxide is used during some dental procedures to help the patient relax during treatment. Administering nitrous oxide can have an anti-anxiety effect and also provides mild anesthetic effects. While receiving nitrous oxide, the patient may feel a tingling sensation in their fingers or experience a strange sensation like they are floating. Another name for nitrous oxide is “laughing gas” because of the elevated mood it can cause. It is also one of the least invasive sedation methods that dentists use. Nitrous oxide can be titrated easily to adjust the amount of gas that the patient needs. Because it wears off so quickly, its residual effects are low.


Digital X-rays: Digital radiographs allow us to immediately view x-rays without any time for processing. Advanced technology allows the exposure to radiation to be 90% less than conventional radiographs. They also allow a higher resolution of imaging, better clarity and more detailed x-rays for diagnosing caries or pathology.


Children with Special Needs: As a pediatric dental specialist we are comfortable treating children with all kinds of special needs including physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional, and sensory impaired disorders. We hope that everyone feels comfortable in our office no matter what their needs are. Our goal is to always provide a safe, calm and accommodating environment for everyone that enters our office.

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